Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I got second! God that was so freaking fun today.

And i got to see my dad, and he stays until I graduate on Friday. This'll be a lot of fun this week~

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

break dress code!

The corset and short shorts were a success! yayyyyy

The only problem is i can't really sit comfortably XD

Sunday, May 26, 2013

silky smooth

I just shaved my legs. They're freaking soft as hell. 8D

*strokes them* ahhhhhhhh, so soft.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ugh god

Tuesday: Break Dress Code Day
Wednesday: Mr. EHHS (i may win)
Thursday: Field Day
Friday: Graduation

God, it's all so crazy; this is my last week. And it really hasn't set in, if I'm being totally honest. XD

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

el oh el oh el

I'm currently derping around on the computer because I have no compass and nothing to do.

It's kind of fun.Then again, i did it even when i had stuff to do.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Ugh, it's been a while. I've been really busy with finishing High School, so that's basically it.

I've just been busy. So so so so so busy ): But at least it's almost over.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I feel really comfortable with most of single ladies. Now i need to learn whatever other parts there are (on my own; curses for you not posting the rest of it!) and start practicing it altogether and then I shall be good 8D (I'm going to so rock this)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Guess who just graduated?!

THIS GUY. Well, I didn't exactly graduate, but I got all my online school done, so now I can walk 8D (as soon as I pay off my fees and finish my classes and all that.)

Also, I'm a guy. I guess if you didn't know, you know now~ WOOHOO *spins around*

Monday, May 13, 2013


I just want to paint D: And instead I have to wait until the end of the day.

Ugh, I can't wait to get a fine arts minor so I can do it everyday. (Okay, maybe not everyday but close.)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Oh my god

I posted something ;D It's like, so crazy~

hahahaha. ahhh, I'm so random.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


I'm learning the dance to single ladies by Beyonce, and I don't have much time to learn it, but here's hoping I can get it down :)

Wish me luck, or something :P

Friday, May 10, 2013


I just want someone to grow close with. I don't even think I want sex or anything like that; maybe just a companion or a best friend I can grow old with.

I just want to be happy.


Ugh, I can't wait until I graduate. Then I won't have to deal with these half days :P

Thursday, May 9, 2013

three months

There is a pregnancy pause (as I like to fondly call it) until I'm a year over the legal age. I seriously don't think it'll feel any different from being 18, I'll just probably be cranky with college e.e

We shall see though~

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

feeling sick.

Why would something be made so that no matter what you do, if you don't pass it, nothing else matters? Because if I can memorize something perfectly, but then fail a test and then get thrown back JUST SO my memory is tested, is that really learning anything?

Or is it testing someone until they finally get the right answers? Meh, I guess it doesn't matter because I'll take whatever grade I get.


I'll probably miss it, but hey; we'll have a lucky amount of pageviews for a short time :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bad combo :P

I'm not really a fan of Greek Yogurt, but I can tolerate it.

Just so much as it doesn't have chocolate in it D< Cause really, if you're going to put chocolate in it, PLEASE try to put more than a few shavings in there. let me ACTUALLY TASTE the chocolate.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Saturday was fun.

So I went to Prom on Saturday, and had a grand old time. I wore my corset fiercely, and it was a lot of fun. Two people thought it was too much, but who cares about the naysayers? Certainly not me.


Friday, May 3, 2013


For some reason, i really UNDERSTAND the stuff like "displacement" and "final position" and "vectors" and all that stuff.

It's related to physics, which I've never done a bit of in my life, except I'm kind of good at it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


It's thursday and I'm totally bored out of my mind. At least I've got painting to look forward to in a few minutes.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

one more month

at the end of this month, it's all over pretty much.

ugh. Please let this go well.