Friday, June 28, 2013


I'm hoping to get a job soon. And a car. I'd like to learn how to drive before the "1" in my age becomes a "2"

And maybe some work experience too.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Movie Review! Maybe not the last one? (World War Z)

(title might change...)

'kay, so...

World War Z.

Scary movies scare me (obviously, that's the point of it). This didn't have much scare factor. Sure, when the one guy jumps out of nowhere, but other than that? Not that scary. I can deal with the zombie make-up, that was pretty badass; what, with the pale, paper thing, yellowed skin, those crazy veins up the side of the face and those milky eyes. I mean, the make-up on this was really awesome.

I don't usually like Brad Pitt, he's just one of those actors that doesn't really matter whether or not he's in the movie. II think he did a pretty good job in this movie, though my only thought was that he lacked some sort of emotion throughout most of the film. I mean, i found myself watching that female counterpart moreso than him. And she was like, super pretty and super talented...

I might like girls with buzz cuts, because of that...

I mean, I don't have much else to say, because my opinion is unpopular, and even though I went to a film high school (only took one class on it, and did not like it in the slightest) I didn't pay much attention to it; my art teacher was too amazing anyways for me to do so.

Would I recommend you see it? Sure. Will it change your life? Probably not. But that's just me. I'm not the law.

It's been a while e______e

Ugh, it's been a while i suppose. Graduating from High School has just made me so freaking lazy, and I haven't gotten around to doing this. However, I am still here, but I'm just busy with moving, reading, trying to get a job and learning how to drive, as well as a few other things. It's been a busy couple of weeks for me, being totally honest here!

Also, to all my new viewers in Brazil, Indonesia and Kazakhstan (thank you spell check)
Thank you for being so lovely and showing interest in this blog <3 I don't know who you are, but thank you! This means a lot :)

Okay, uh... I don't know if I'll blog like, daily or whatever, but I'll try to talk about stuff like i did before I graduated. Because, I think it'll be fun, moving out of Utah.

bye for now, guys. i'll see you later~

Saturday, June 1, 2013


First day as a graduate, and I'm already bored out of my mind >:( I feel like such a boring person haaaaa...

I hope when I move it's different.