Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Well, I am officially out of Utah now. It's been boring, cause I don't have anything to do, but I'm hoping that's to change in a little while.


Thursday, July 18, 2013


I really need to figure out what I'm doing soon. Part of me wants to go to one college, but another one might seem better because it's cheaper. It's just so confusing as to what might be easier.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bad dream...

It's when you have a dream that you are an interior designer (which is what i want to do) and the client completely despises everything you did, and they spend an open house party (to which nobody attends) and do nothing but bad mouth you, their friends doing the same, that makes me worry about my career choice...

Occupational hazard I guess? hehe.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hair color

I am pretty sure I'm not going to have my black hair for much longer. Gonna be pastel for a little bit... :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July! (I know it's late :P)

Happy late 4th of July everyone :) I know it's completely over, but still; I hope it was festive <3

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

1000! Views :)

So, we're at just over a thousand views for this blog, but OH MY GOD!

Thank you guys so much for the views on my blog! I never thought that, five months later, I'd have a thousand of you people all take a look at my blog. I mean, gah, it means everything that I've been made one of your favorites <3. This means so much, because after my disaster of yesterday of being ignored, I have at least a good sum of people making me important :)

It's been a stalemate for a while here, and I'm just getting ready to move and start my life outside of High School. Kind of exciting, really!

<3 Thanks again.

Friday, June 28, 2013


I'm hoping to get a job soon. And a car. I'd like to learn how to drive before the "1" in my age becomes a "2"

And maybe some work experience too.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Movie Review! Maybe not the last one? (World War Z)

(title might change...)

'kay, so...

World War Z.

Scary movies scare me (obviously, that's the point of it). This didn't have much scare factor. Sure, when the one guy jumps out of nowhere, but other than that? Not that scary. I can deal with the zombie make-up, that was pretty badass; what, with the pale, paper thing, yellowed skin, those crazy veins up the side of the face and those milky eyes. I mean, the make-up on this was really awesome.

I don't usually like Brad Pitt, he's just one of those actors that doesn't really matter whether or not he's in the movie. II think he did a pretty good job in this movie, though my only thought was that he lacked some sort of emotion throughout most of the film. I mean, i found myself watching that female counterpart moreso than him. And she was like, super pretty and super talented...

I might like girls with buzz cuts, because of that...

I mean, I don't have much else to say, because my opinion is unpopular, and even though I went to a film high school (only took one class on it, and did not like it in the slightest) I didn't pay much attention to it; my art teacher was too amazing anyways for me to do so.

Would I recommend you see it? Sure. Will it change your life? Probably not. But that's just me. I'm not the law.

It's been a while e______e

Ugh, it's been a while i suppose. Graduating from High School has just made me so freaking lazy, and I haven't gotten around to doing this. However, I am still here, but I'm just busy with moving, reading, trying to get a job and learning how to drive, as well as a few other things. It's been a busy couple of weeks for me, being totally honest here!

Also, to all my new viewers in Brazil, Indonesia and Kazakhstan (thank you spell check)
Thank you for being so lovely and showing interest in this blog <3 I don't know who you are, but thank you! This means a lot :)

Okay, uh... I don't know if I'll blog like, daily or whatever, but I'll try to talk about stuff like i did before I graduated. Because, I think it'll be fun, moving out of Utah.

bye for now, guys. i'll see you later~

Saturday, June 1, 2013


First day as a graduate, and I'm already bored out of my mind >:( I feel like such a boring person haaaaa...

I hope when I move it's different.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I got second! God that was so freaking fun today.

And i got to see my dad, and he stays until I graduate on Friday. This'll be a lot of fun this week~

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

break dress code!

The corset and short shorts were a success! yayyyyy

The only problem is i can't really sit comfortably XD

Sunday, May 26, 2013

silky smooth

I just shaved my legs. They're freaking soft as hell. 8D

*strokes them* ahhhhhhhh, so soft.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ugh god

Tuesday: Break Dress Code Day
Wednesday: Mr. EHHS (i may win)
Thursday: Field Day
Friday: Graduation

God, it's all so crazy; this is my last week. And it really hasn't set in, if I'm being totally honest. XD

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

el oh el oh el

I'm currently derping around on the computer because I have no compass and nothing to do.

It's kind of fun.Then again, i did it even when i had stuff to do.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Ugh, it's been a while. I've been really busy with finishing High School, so that's basically it.

I've just been busy. So so so so so busy ): But at least it's almost over.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I feel really comfortable with most of single ladies. Now i need to learn whatever other parts there are (on my own; curses for you not posting the rest of it!) and start practicing it altogether and then I shall be good 8D (I'm going to so rock this)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Guess who just graduated?!

THIS GUY. Well, I didn't exactly graduate, but I got all my online school done, so now I can walk 8D (as soon as I pay off my fees and finish my classes and all that.)

Also, I'm a guy. I guess if you didn't know, you know now~ WOOHOO *spins around*

Monday, May 13, 2013


I just want to paint D: And instead I have to wait until the end of the day.

Ugh, I can't wait to get a fine arts minor so I can do it everyday. (Okay, maybe not everyday but close.)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Oh my god

I posted something ;D It's like, so crazy~

hahahaha. ahhh, I'm so random.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


I'm learning the dance to single ladies by Beyonce, and I don't have much time to learn it, but here's hoping I can get it down :)

Wish me luck, or something :P

Friday, May 10, 2013


I just want someone to grow close with. I don't even think I want sex or anything like that; maybe just a companion or a best friend I can grow old with.

I just want to be happy.


Ugh, I can't wait until I graduate. Then I won't have to deal with these half days :P

Thursday, May 9, 2013

three months

There is a pregnancy pause (as I like to fondly call it) until I'm a year over the legal age. I seriously don't think it'll feel any different from being 18, I'll just probably be cranky with college e.e

We shall see though~

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

feeling sick.

Why would something be made so that no matter what you do, if you don't pass it, nothing else matters? Because if I can memorize something perfectly, but then fail a test and then get thrown back JUST SO my memory is tested, is that really learning anything?

Or is it testing someone until they finally get the right answers? Meh, I guess it doesn't matter because I'll take whatever grade I get.


I'll probably miss it, but hey; we'll have a lucky amount of pageviews for a short time :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bad combo :P

I'm not really a fan of Greek Yogurt, but I can tolerate it.

Just so much as it doesn't have chocolate in it D< Cause really, if you're going to put chocolate in it, PLEASE try to put more than a few shavings in there. let me ACTUALLY TASTE the chocolate.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Saturday was fun.

So I went to Prom on Saturday, and had a grand old time. I wore my corset fiercely, and it was a lot of fun. Two people thought it was too much, but who cares about the naysayers? Certainly not me.


Friday, May 3, 2013


For some reason, i really UNDERSTAND the stuff like "displacement" and "final position" and "vectors" and all that stuff.

It's related to physics, which I've never done a bit of in my life, except I'm kind of good at it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


It's thursday and I'm totally bored out of my mind. At least I've got painting to look forward to in a few minutes.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

one more month

at the end of this month, it's all over pretty much.

ugh. Please let this go well.

Monday, April 29, 2013


I think I'm going to wear Daisy Dukes for my last day of High School ;)

And they can't do anything about it, because I'm GONE after that day~

Sunday, April 28, 2013


School tomorrow D:< I really don't want to wake up early tomorrow. But, I have to graduate, so it's important.

But still; ew. >.<

It's a coincidence, I swear!

I'm writing something NSFW, and a song just about that topic comes on. It just, gives you this fuel to totally go for it and just type it.

Funny, because the song is about a car too. So the fuel reference is totally non coincidental. hee hee.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pacing yourself. Please do it!

When you get so excited for something you don't want to stop, but if you don't, you'll overload yourself too much. I guess I've never paced myself when it comes to these things, but now that I'm doing it... I think I'll definitely benefit from it later on.

Okay, now to actually TEAR myself away from it ha ha.


It feels good to relax. *sigh of relief*

Friday, April 26, 2013


Okay, I am seriously about two seconds from flipping shit, and just killing something.

I've about had it.

Passed it!

oh my god, the amount of joy I am experiencing right this second...



hahahahahahaha, we hit 666 posts a minute ago >8D

I should post porn, but I'm at school. MAYBE LATER >;O


I feel sick. not like a cold or a fever, but like a "i am going to throw up" kind of sick. Ugh, i do not like today.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

All I want to do is paint, to be honest. It's the one thing I enjoy going to school for each day, and my mom says "maybe you shouldn't have done painting this term."

Gee, just take all joy out of my senior year, or something like that.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I think i'm developing "Senioritis"

I'm really not all that excited to be going back full day tomorrow. I just want to go half day again e.e

But I want to really graduate, so it'll be worth it in the end.

exciting (I think)

I can't wait to start writing about this guy who doesn't even understand how he's pregnant 8D It'll be much fun! I think.


It feels freaking amazing when you get completely stumped by something, and then you figure the right way out all by yourself~
This day is dragging on longer than normal. I just want it to be tomorrow



I'll laugh if this post isn't an odd number on time. I always end with :00 for the entry.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I'm doing pretty good on this story 8D I mean, I'm really happy with how it's turning out so far. I just hope I have enough for five chapters~ (or four, I'm not really too sure)


When you do four hours straight of online school, your brain starts to throb. And when your brain starts to throb, you get bored. And when you get bored, you can't figure out what to do because the god damn head throbbing won't let you realize something to do whilst your boredom is in full swing. And what happens then?

You sit in your chair and drool all over everything. el oh el.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Two weeks left

I gotta finish this class in school in two weeks, to have a hope of graduating. I think i can do it!

Saturday, April 20, 2013


My corset is beautiful~ I'm going to look great at Prom.

Who wants

to see me in a corset? 8D Maybe I'll post a picture when I get it.


Friday, April 19, 2013


Where my people at?! Where my people at?!

Twitter VS Facebook.

I realize I'm starting to like Twitter a bit more than Facebook. I like checking it, but i update random BS on Twitter, and I enjoy that for some reason.

Don't think I'm giving you my info on Twitter OR Facebook, peeps >:C

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Real Life

Now I'm scared.

Scared that I'm going to not get a job and not go to college and not learn to drive and not get a place and not get every single fucking thing that society calls "normal."

Scared that I'm just going to be left behind in the shuffle and forgotten about.

I'm scared. I really, truly am.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I'm wearing a kimono with my corset! I think it'll be amazing >:D

Monday, April 15, 2013

I have a mangola

It's actually a mango


That's my mangola.


That's the only word I taught it to say


Maybe I'll teach it "no" soon


We're going to go now


Sunday, April 14, 2013


I think I might go to Pastry school... I'm unsure of what I'm going to do when I get to California. Maybe I can try to get a job at a bakery, see if it's worth paying for classes :3 

All i know is that the fresh start is calling my name~

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Unprofessional :/

So, I tried buying my corset from Blue Boutique, and we had to special order one in the next size up. It's been probably three weeks since we did so, and what's happened?

They haven't done anything with it. I was waiting for my corset to come in, and nobody even ordered it in.

So I'm basically having to go into the store, and get a corset in a 34 instead of getting one I like. So, in short, I'm not getting the one I like. It's BS, to be honest. I can't wait to be out of this garbage pit of a state.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


oh my god we hit 500 views! This is really freaking exciting! -insert crazy GIF here-

Thanks guys for everything :D

I feel angry.

I don't even know what's caused it. I just... am. What's the deal with me, recently?


oh my god, i have so much compass to do D:

And my spacebar isn't working. Wtf.>:|

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


There really is just no interest in me writing these chapters. I'm just kind of... over it :/

ugh, I hate this.

I'm bored

Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Board. Bored.

Did you see a change in there? ;)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

no motivation

Like, holy crap.

I want to write fanfiction. I want to watch stuff on Netflix. I want and have to do all this stuff.

IT. :donotwant:

I mean, really. I guess I'm just sort of bored with where I'm sitting on the fanfiction, and I don't want to move past it. I really have no motivation to judge, but I'm desperately trying to finish. Netflix is SO EASY, i mean... come on. I have NO DESIRE to watch anything! How is that even possible? ughhhhh

Laziness. Now that's what's gross.

Friday, April 5, 2013

3rd times the charm

omfg, three entries in one day! Gawd, you guys must be so overjoyed with how much I'm posting! Or not, and you just think I'm annoying. Either works for me.

But, I am ready for the weekend, and since it's Friday, it'll come so quickly. In fact, I'm about an hour away from doing just that!

And in other news, I need to stop going on Tumblr and focus on my writing, because i was on A ROLL until I realized what time it was. Then I had to sleep, to keep this beautiful face glowing and wonderful and stuff.


I dont think I have much of a life

I look at all of these other peoples blogs, and like, it's been a month or more since an update. And then there's me, who like, updates a whole bunch (sometimes twice in one night, like right now! 8D) and probably doesn't have a life. eheheheheehehehhe.

In other news, I might be playing around with a baking major. And hey, I have a baking blog. So, maybe I could write about the classes (if i do take them) and what I made and stuff. JUST AN IDEA, DO NOT HOLD ME TO THIS D<


Hi to my readers in Russia!

 Gosh, this is pretty great to see all these great people showing interest in my ramblings 8D I just wanted to say thank you for my almost 500 views on this blog, it means so much to me!

Uh... I don't really have much to say ha ha. I'm probably going to be moving to California soon actually! Pretty exciting stuff. Maybe it'll help my writing a bit? ;) We will have to see I guess.

Oh, and did I ever say that I love you guys? I did? Well, one more for the road! <3

Saturday, March 30, 2013

no title

But yet that's the title of the blog entry. So, like... it's kind of ironic, don't you think?

I think maybe I'm here to vent a bit, even though I'm tired of venting. I'm tired of trying to talk about my emotions and my mindset, even though I'm pretty set and sure that I know.

I don't want to go to College anymore.

Right now, it's free because I'm a High School student. And there is a diploma at the end of this, and that's all fine and dandy. But, I'm starting to wean interest in it. I mean, for gods sake, I spend the majority of my time on the internet doing other stuff because it interests me more.

I think about the elective tract that I'm going to be taking, and some of the things don't really interest me... It feels like I'm just there to get a diploma. That I'm not there to actually work.

On top of that, I kind of want to experiment with my majors. I want to take some fine art classes (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.) and see if I like that. I may stay with graphics in the future, but I'd like to see where that takes me. I like creating things for fun (which is why i like GAIA so much, because I can customize an avatar to my hearts content. It's fun.) And I want to be able to draw regularly, so I could possibly make the art for the site, and have them convert it into items (that i could possibly wear! 8D)

Overall, I kind of want to move out; I want to get a crummy place with my sister and pay rent; I want to get a job and work and explore; i want to find myself kind of, figure out who I am, so that I can realize what I want. I'd take some classes while doing this, so I could see if this is something I like. I'm pretty sure I will because my teacher is amazing, so that would make me want to lead into it, maybe.

I am probably rambling, and typing your ear off. So, I won't say much more. I just want to find me. Find out maybe the hard way, but find out regardless.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Oh my goodness, hi 8D

I haven't talked with you guys in a while! how have you been? Don't be shy, comment if you want. I don't bite~

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I hate it when I can write the other parts, but as soon as I go to sit at the part i NEED to write, then I just draw a blank. It's like "god, what the hell?" I Just want to write, and I'm getting stuck!

Friday, March 15, 2013


I wish I had my writing with me so I could work on it at school, because I need something else to work on as well XD (Even though I should be focused o 3 o)

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Give it everything you've got
Try to make it to the top
Never ever gonna stop
Even if you get the chop, chop chop chop chop

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Getting out~

I have the desire to get out and travel. And yes, me being a fresh adult with no source of income, this is a challenge. But when I do end up having the time and the resources to do so, I'll be doing a ton of it. Like, I may be traveling more than staying put. And I mean heck, I may just take road trips to different places, different states, before I just up and go out of the country.

I jus want the power to do it. Not ever saying "well what if this happened...?" The risk is there. But it would be worth it. Sometimes you just have to cast caution to the side, and go and do.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I think I'll give it until the end of this week. if I'm not liking it, then I'll switch out. But i should start using that smaller sketchbook to my advantage~

I get the saddest feeling

when I click a lot to feed my fish; I feel like I'm going to kill them, bwahahahaha.

See, this is me, because I get sad whenever I possibly get the thought of killing a non-real animal XD

Monday, March 11, 2013

'kay, so...

If you read my "fandom updates" blog, then I've decided to post another thing here, since I don't want to waste a post on something tiny.

I'm doing this 30 day OTP challenge for Stiles x Isaac, so that'll actually be a fourth part added onto the third part of the series I spoke about~ That will probably the final part, unless I think of some totally awesome fifth part that I want to add, or something.

That's all.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I like sleep. That's why I do so at night. Except sometimes I don't sleep, and I stay up all night. Then i regret it in the morning.

~ . ~ ZZZZzzzzzzzz.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What the crap!

I'm just clicking through blogs, just biding my time, when ALL OF A SUDDEN

BOOM! Porn. It's like, it lies in wait, just totally waiting for a person to walk right behind me uncoincedentally, and totally wreck my life :D

I mean, I'll probably look at it when I'm at home (hehehe) but, let's not do NSFW stuff when other people are around. Except for fanfiction; because they would have to take a pretty long look to get anything out of it :P


I really don't know what to think anymore.

Part of me is like, REALLY HAPPY to see my friends. But then again, it gave me the feeling that they kind of moved on without me. I sometimes even felt like, I was the odd one out. And I took that precaution, when I started the whole college thing. And I love it, like nothing else, but I guess there's a trade off;

By starting to put myself into my career, and furthering my own self, I've distanced myself from some of the few people I actually love outside of my family.

I don't know. I just, don't.


Friday, March 1, 2013


HAHAHAHAHAHA just kidding, I'm not like that... i like to do unusual things, like posting stuff when I just said that I wouldn't. But yeah...

OH MY GOD, LOOK AT THE CHAMELEON!!! I Freaking love these things! When I move and get into a sturdy situation, I'm going to buy one and take care of it and love it :D I mean, gah... I want so many reptiles <3 They make me happyl!

Goodbye (for now!)

So uh... This is my last post while I'm in Multimedia. I probably won't update until I start my Character Design class on Tuesday. I'm pretty excited to start it, because I like to use my creativity to make something cool :)

Okay, so... Bye and stuff. <3

Almost over :c

School is almost over, since starting Tuesday... Is my last term for High School. And then it's me against the big bad world, so... D: I'm scared. But, I'm excited at the same time. If that makes any sense~

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Strange o.O

I have this weird like, i don't know, mechanic in my head; like, whenever I go to post or enter something at school, it's always on an even time. like, okay, here's something; I would enter something either at the hour exactly, or at the half hour mark exactly. Sometimes it's even the same amount of minutes from a previous post, just with a different hour. And I don't even check the time before I hit send, so it's a sort of... weird coincedence? *ponders it*




Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nail Paint

I don't know why I call it "nail paint" sometimes, I just do. There was this really pretty color that matches the nail color from Alice in Wonderland (The one that The White Queen wore) and I l.ike it. Two coats of polish and a top coat later, and I'm sitting pretty. But my fingertips sweat a lot D: (it's kind of gross...)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Teacher...


Can i have my A now?

Fanfiction? :P

I really don't know what to blog about here... Maybe I'll post my fanfiction stuff that needs to be beta'd and then delete it, so none of you can steal it >:C (Stealing ain't cool, yo! It just isn't...)

So, that's an idea. :3

Monday, February 25, 2013

My face!

Do you want to see my face?

Yep. I'm so alone, even this picture isn't enough to keep me happy at night. Just, my heart hurts. It's broken, and alone, and I can't help it anymore... *sob sob sob crey sob sob*


Okay, so I heard that my friend Bambie fangirled everywhere when I performed for a talent show last friday. I mean, on the ground, in the chair, in her pants, the ceiling, the stage, in my mouth; hell, I even felt a few drops hit some kid in South America. I guess there isn't a drought problem anymore!

It tasted like feels too. Yum.

Teen Wolf :D

Anybody else excited for S3 of Teen Wolf? Cause I know I am :D

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013


If you want me, need me Electric Chapel (x2)
If you want to steal my heart away
maybe even leave it in a safe place
c'mon baby~
*BUH BUH BUH BUH* Electric Chapel.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Genius idea.

Getting it Beta'd on one site, and then posting the final parts on both sites :} now I just have to get an invite...

Rant >:[

you know what i hate? When you are on Tumblr and you get stuff that CLEARLY isn't safe work. It's like "oh, fandom fandom GAY PORN fandom fandom SMUT fandom fandom" and then somebody turns around RIGHT as it pops up on your blog. Then you get in trouble, and kicked out of the school.

Sometimes I hate Tumblr...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Number One

i'm not sure how to blog, mostly because I've never tried it before. I see some people just post like, eight thousand words a day just on their life, but I'm a boring person... What do I blog about exactly?
So, if any of you who are looking at my blog and are courageous enough to comment, tell me some ideas on what to blog about :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


This is my personal blog!
The name of it? totally random. I don't really know if they would be a good combination, but I think they won't be... But maybe I'll try it and see what happens.

Also, I'm not good at intros, so none for you, Glen Coco!