Saturday, March 30, 2013

no title

But yet that's the title of the blog entry. So, like... it's kind of ironic, don't you think?

I think maybe I'm here to vent a bit, even though I'm tired of venting. I'm tired of trying to talk about my emotions and my mindset, even though I'm pretty set and sure that I know.

I don't want to go to College anymore.

Right now, it's free because I'm a High School student. And there is a diploma at the end of this, and that's all fine and dandy. But, I'm starting to wean interest in it. I mean, for gods sake, I spend the majority of my time on the internet doing other stuff because it interests me more.

I think about the elective tract that I'm going to be taking, and some of the things don't really interest me... It feels like I'm just there to get a diploma. That I'm not there to actually work.

On top of that, I kind of want to experiment with my majors. I want to take some fine art classes (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.) and see if I like that. I may stay with graphics in the future, but I'd like to see where that takes me. I like creating things for fun (which is why i like GAIA so much, because I can customize an avatar to my hearts content. It's fun.) And I want to be able to draw regularly, so I could possibly make the art for the site, and have them convert it into items (that i could possibly wear! 8D)

Overall, I kind of want to move out; I want to get a crummy place with my sister and pay rent; I want to get a job and work and explore; i want to find myself kind of, figure out who I am, so that I can realize what I want. I'd take some classes while doing this, so I could see if this is something I like. I'm pretty sure I will because my teacher is amazing, so that would make me want to lead into it, maybe.

I am probably rambling, and typing your ear off. So, I won't say much more. I just want to find me. Find out maybe the hard way, but find out regardless.

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