Saturday, March 30, 2013

no title

But yet that's the title of the blog entry. So, like... it's kind of ironic, don't you think?

I think maybe I'm here to vent a bit, even though I'm tired of venting. I'm tired of trying to talk about my emotions and my mindset, even though I'm pretty set and sure that I know.

I don't want to go to College anymore.

Right now, it's free because I'm a High School student. And there is a diploma at the end of this, and that's all fine and dandy. But, I'm starting to wean interest in it. I mean, for gods sake, I spend the majority of my time on the internet doing other stuff because it interests me more.

I think about the elective tract that I'm going to be taking, and some of the things don't really interest me... It feels like I'm just there to get a diploma. That I'm not there to actually work.

On top of that, I kind of want to experiment with my majors. I want to take some fine art classes (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.) and see if I like that. I may stay with graphics in the future, but I'd like to see where that takes me. I like creating things for fun (which is why i like GAIA so much, because I can customize an avatar to my hearts content. It's fun.) And I want to be able to draw regularly, so I could possibly make the art for the site, and have them convert it into items (that i could possibly wear! 8D)

Overall, I kind of want to move out; I want to get a crummy place with my sister and pay rent; I want to get a job and work and explore; i want to find myself kind of, figure out who I am, so that I can realize what I want. I'd take some classes while doing this, so I could see if this is something I like. I'm pretty sure I will because my teacher is amazing, so that would make me want to lead into it, maybe.

I am probably rambling, and typing your ear off. So, I won't say much more. I just want to find me. Find out maybe the hard way, but find out regardless.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Oh my goodness, hi 8D

I haven't talked with you guys in a while! how have you been? Don't be shy, comment if you want. I don't bite~

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I hate it when I can write the other parts, but as soon as I go to sit at the part i NEED to write, then I just draw a blank. It's like "god, what the hell?" I Just want to write, and I'm getting stuck!

Friday, March 15, 2013


I wish I had my writing with me so I could work on it at school, because I need something else to work on as well XD (Even though I should be focused o 3 o)

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Give it everything you've got
Try to make it to the top
Never ever gonna stop
Even if you get the chop, chop chop chop chop

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Getting out~

I have the desire to get out and travel. And yes, me being a fresh adult with no source of income, this is a challenge. But when I do end up having the time and the resources to do so, I'll be doing a ton of it. Like, I may be traveling more than staying put. And I mean heck, I may just take road trips to different places, different states, before I just up and go out of the country.

I jus want the power to do it. Not ever saying "well what if this happened...?" The risk is there. But it would be worth it. Sometimes you just have to cast caution to the side, and go and do.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I think I'll give it until the end of this week. if I'm not liking it, then I'll switch out. But i should start using that smaller sketchbook to my advantage~

I get the saddest feeling

when I click a lot to feed my fish; I feel like I'm going to kill them, bwahahahaha.

See, this is me, because I get sad whenever I possibly get the thought of killing a non-real animal XD

Monday, March 11, 2013

'kay, so...

If you read my "fandom updates" blog, then I've decided to post another thing here, since I don't want to waste a post on something tiny.

I'm doing this 30 day OTP challenge for Stiles x Isaac, so that'll actually be a fourth part added onto the third part of the series I spoke about~ That will probably the final part, unless I think of some totally awesome fifth part that I want to add, or something.

That's all.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I like sleep. That's why I do so at night. Except sometimes I don't sleep, and I stay up all night. Then i regret it in the morning.

~ . ~ ZZZZzzzzzzzz.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What the crap!

I'm just clicking through blogs, just biding my time, when ALL OF A SUDDEN

BOOM! Porn. It's like, it lies in wait, just totally waiting for a person to walk right behind me uncoincedentally, and totally wreck my life :D

I mean, I'll probably look at it when I'm at home (hehehe) but, let's not do NSFW stuff when other people are around. Except for fanfiction; because they would have to take a pretty long look to get anything out of it :P


I really don't know what to think anymore.

Part of me is like, REALLY HAPPY to see my friends. But then again, it gave me the feeling that they kind of moved on without me. I sometimes even felt like, I was the odd one out. And I took that precaution, when I started the whole college thing. And I love it, like nothing else, but I guess there's a trade off;

By starting to put myself into my career, and furthering my own self, I've distanced myself from some of the few people I actually love outside of my family.

I don't know. I just, don't.


Friday, March 1, 2013


HAHAHAHAHAHA just kidding, I'm not like that... i like to do unusual things, like posting stuff when I just said that I wouldn't. But yeah...

OH MY GOD, LOOK AT THE CHAMELEON!!! I Freaking love these things! When I move and get into a sturdy situation, I'm going to buy one and take care of it and love it :D I mean, gah... I want so many reptiles <3 They make me happyl!

Goodbye (for now!)

So uh... This is my last post while I'm in Multimedia. I probably won't update until I start my Character Design class on Tuesday. I'm pretty excited to start it, because I like to use my creativity to make something cool :)

Okay, so... Bye and stuff. <3

Almost over :c

School is almost over, since starting Tuesday... Is my last term for High School. And then it's me against the big bad world, so... D: I'm scared. But, I'm excited at the same time. If that makes any sense~